
Arrows to move

Space bar to shoot

+Game Design Document+



There is a full-screen option. During testing, there is a chance the game controls will lose functionality. Just refresh the web browser page. This CAN happen not full screen also. Just refresh. Try again.

The ray cast needs some work. It is possible to shoot enemies. I'm bad at aiming in shooters, so I just move left and right as shooting/attacking (if you are in demon form) Just play around and see what works for you, be aware. 

Win, lose, in-between.....I will be continuing to make this. 

Give me good and bad constructive feedback. Keep in mind. I did not have time to do everything I wanted, but I would still love to hear constructive feedback to know if I'm doing good or bad. 

Thank you! Have fun! Hope you enjoy it!


All in-game art, and the cover was made just for this jam.

Code, and Art made by Nerd Waffle

Music was obtained by purchase from humble bundle - Metal Vol3 Demon King Main.

Made in Aseprite, and Godot

+Game History+

Monster Night was a choose-your-own-adventure. A jealous Sorcerer uses magic to transform you into a dark monster. You are the monster, and you must reach the Sorcerer before the changes become permanent.

Monster Knight Rampage takes place within Monster Knight during the castle part. This is an FPS version of the fight in Monster Night. 

+Lore & Story +

Once upon a time. A kingdom existed. The kingdom of Calpandaris. You lived in this land. A brave, and courageous Warrior. Kind to the people. Champion of the King.

The king also had a magical Sorcerer. They were a kind, also cared for the kingdom, and had ideas on how to make the kingdom better.

The king's wife, who he loved dearly passed before the two could have a child. The king had lost his family in a battle, and other illnesses. There were no heirs. The king could have re-married and tried to have a family. He cared about his kingdom deeply, and wanted to make sure the people were happy, and safe. Instead, the king decided you would take the crown at the time of his passing.

The Sorcerer, although caring, became furious. They were just as loyal as you were. Sorcerer in a fit of anger, turned you into a monster and cast you outside the nearest village walls.

This is the town of Kelendros, the capital of Calpandaris. A Vibrant city outside the Royle Castle. There is a shop, a tavern, and a bookstore.

you enter the castle....

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